Saturday, October 16, 2010

Attractor at 11262 is going to be hit soon

This line of attraction we have been following for months, is just about ready to be hit. There's not much further to go. The Dow right now sits at 11062, and that 200 points can be easily made in a day.

My opinion is that it will make a sharp run above the attractor as it pushes through, followed by a retracement back down to 10769. After that happens, we will begin to see a serious move on upward as the stock market is now due for a true bull market move upward. Not a spike upward, mind you, but a market that "climbs the wall of worry."

The next attractor above the 11062 mark is at 11888 and it's a heavy one, with lots of resistance. Watch for moaning and wailing when we come to that level.

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